Greek police officer marks on the map the place where we are and where the refugees can't go. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Doctor, Palestinian refugee beaten by Afghans smuggler at the Greek/Macedonian border. Hospital of Polycastro, Greece. 2015
Man with injured foot sleeping outside the Hara Hotel in Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Group of refugees comes back from the Greek/Macedonian border. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Sign of the Idomeni village: the last village at the Greek/Macedonian border. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Paper of Mukhtar Afghan asylum seeker in Greece. He lives in the jungle in the buffer zone and can speak greek. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Boundary marker in the buffer zone at the Greek/Makedonian border. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Afghan refugee with injuried feet because of the walking from Thessaloniki, he has a rest in the jungle in the buffer zone at the Greek/Macedonian border. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Afghan woman with her daughter has a rest in the jungle in the buffer zone. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Afghan family in the buffer zone at the Greek/makedonian border. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Mukhtar guides us in the jungle. On the road that follows the border line: on the left is the Republic of Macedonia and on the left is Greece. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Afghan refugee in the buffer zone, waiting to reach Macedonia. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Syrian girl with skin diseases Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Plastic bag of a Makedonia shop in the greek side of the jungle. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Afghan refugees in the buffer zone at the Greek/Makedonian border. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Afghan migrant checks the movements of the police and the passage of refugees groups, in the border area. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
The greek police tries to do a documents control "Hara Hotel". Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Group of refugees coming back from Macedonia, guided by aghan man who lives in the jungle. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Afghan migrants check the movements of the police and the passage of refugees groups, in the border area. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Greek foodtruck sells food in the jungle in the border area. Idomeni, Greece. 2015
Greek people supply food and clothes to the refugees at the gas station "Hotel Hara" Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Refugees waiting for some food and clothes supplied by Greek people before crossing the border at the gas station "Hotel Hara" Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Refugees waiting for some food and clothes supplied by Greek people before crossing the border at the gas station "Hotel Hara" Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Refugees waiting for some food and clothes supplied by Greek people before crossing the border at the gas station "Hotel Hara" Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Refugees waiting for some food and clothes supplied by Greek people before crossing the border at the gas station "Hotel Hara" Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Greek people supply food and clothes to the refugees at the gas station "Hotel Hara" Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
The greek police tries to do a documents control "Hara Hotel". Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Refugees are packing their stuff to be ready to cross the border because the documents control by the Greek police. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Refugees are packing their stuff to be ready to cross the border because the documents control by the Greek police. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Almost 250 people run away form the Hara Hotel in the direction of Macedonia because od the police control. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Refugees help the last people that are running away from the Hara Hotel in the direction of Macedonia because od the police control. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Group of refugees catched by the police during the document control at The Hara Hotel. They will sleep all the night outside of the jail where they were detained. They will be realased the day after. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015
Gas station of the Hara Hotel after the police control. Evzonoi, Greece. 2015